In addition to presenting unconventional, approachable concerts, the Symphony invests heavily in education and community outreach. To date, our education programs, including the MUSE (Music for Excellence) program and the Oakland Youth Orchestra, have helped over 100,000 young people discover a passion for music. Access to these programs is a priority, and we work hard to make sure that no child is turned away for financial reasons. Our free Young People’s Concerts help us reach children in all corners of the East Bay, and the Youth Orchestra’s BRIDGE program breaks down barriers, providing private music lessons to those whose families wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford them.

Through our community outreach programming, we encourage members of our community to connect through music in a variety of ways – from free concerts to instrument petting zoos – reaching over 75,000 of our neighbors every year. We also partner with local businesses and artists, presenting fun and unique musical celebrations, which reaches new audiences, invites them into our Symphony family, and encourages them to explore new musical styles and genres.

Youth Orchestra

Offering orchestral experience to the Bay Area’s advanced music students, the Oakland Symphony Youth Orchestra represents the point of destination for so many students in the Symphony’s education programs.

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MUSE (Music for Excellence)

The Symphony’s MUSE Program transforms the lives of young people in Oakland public schools through one-on-one instrumental lessons, group music classes, unique performance opportunities, and Symphony concerts.  By providing all of our programs free to participants, we ensure that each year 19,000 young people have access to a variety of music education and enrichment activities, regardless of their economic situation.

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Young People’s Concerts

We are excited to share the Young People’s Concerts at the historic Paramount Theatre for students in grades K-8. There is no cost to attend this concert.

The Young People’s Concerts program provides approximately 4,000 students their first introduction to orchestral music through a school day concert held in the spring; performed and conducted by members of the Oakland Symphony.

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