How Are Musicians Made?
Friday, October 9, 2020
Maestro Michael Morgan,
Oakland Symphony Music Director and Conductor
Anne Cademenos, Senior Director of Development
Dr. Lynne Morrow, Oakland Symphony Chorus Director
Omid Zoufonoun, Oakland Symphony Youth Orchestra Principal Conductor
Elizabeth Vandervennet, Oakland Symphony Lead Teaching Artist, MUSE Mentor & Cellist
Amy Likar, Oakland Symphony Flutist
New Commission in Process:
Bodies on the Line: The Great Flint Sit-Down Strike
Monday, September 7, 2020
A look behind the scenes at the creation of a new oratorio called Bodies on the Line: The Great Flint Sit-Down Strike. This new commission for Oakland Symphony is nearly complete, with a premiere date yet to be determined. The Salon explores the composer and librettist’s creative process, the material that inspired the work, and a “workshop” performance that previews the finished work!.
Maestro Michael Morgan,
Oakland Symphony Music Director and Conductor
Martin Rokeach, Composer
Rebecca Engle, Librettist
Peter Cole, Labor historian
With performances by:
Taylor Stayton, Tenor
Derrick Fox, Baritone
Sharon Campbell, Mezzo-soprano
Stacie Haneline, Piano